viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

·☆ [05.12.08] Staff diary TVXQ 'Don't Say Goodbye'

Today ^_^

Cred: tvxqiple + usagi

안녕하세요. T 입니다.
다들 안주무시고 뭐하세요-__0

저 때문에 못 주무신다고요?

제가 좀전에 올린글에 '응원하라고 한 것'

동방신기가 'Don't Say Goodbye' 할 때 응원법하는거냐고

물으시는 분이 계셔서 다시 왔어요.

이 시간에 문자를 보내주시다니....누구신가요-_-;;;

여러분! 그 응원의 의미는요....

여러분의 마음을 말하는 것이었는데....응원법 아니에요!! 진짜.

언제나 처럼 동방신기의 등퇴장에서 커다란 환호와.

동방신기의 무대에서는 Live를 감상해 주시는 센스!!!^_^

원래 잘 해 주시고 계셨잖아요~

이따가도 역시!!! 멋진 여러분의 감상 매너를 보여주세요~!!!

PS. 동방신기의 'Don't Say Goodbye'

연습이 끝나고 난 뒤...

Trans by a software i think is not good xD and trans is hard xD

but you can see a idea xD

'Don't Say Goodbye'
Hello. T is.

What do you do not give me the need to draw all-__0

I could not sleep because of the new right?

I just olringeul to have to cheer '

Dong Bang Shin Ki's' Don't Say Goodbye 'how to cheer you when you do

Gyesyeoseo a man asks again.

Asked to send us this time .... Who do you think the character -

Hey, everybody! How about the meaning of cheer ....

I was telling you the heart of eungwonbeop .... No!! Real.

Dong Bang Shin Ki, as always, a big cheer of deungtoejangeseo and.

Watch the Live to give the stage of Dong Bang Shin Ki sense !!!^_^

Have a good time for taking the original were there,

I'll see you guys too! Manor Super Enjoy want to see you!

PS. Dong Bang Shin Ki 'Don't Say Goodbye'

After the end of practice ...

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