jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

·☆ [081218] 17.12.08 ToHoShinKi ☆ signed three calendar 2009!

Remeber the Pop Style "all about" interview ??
i rad about this
ToHo sing three calendar @_@
lucky people have to flow the steps and maybe can be winner one T_T

Cred: pop Style + usagi

Wednesday popstyle middle of the page, five-member group from South Korea, "Shin Ki" appeared!

ToHoShinKi ☆ signed three calendar 2009! SSL-enabled people "here", a non-SSL-enabled the "here", please click the sign up. The deadline is December 23!

Present were published in the paper will need a keyword, so I grabbed a paper please refer to

Purchase Act paper → → "here" Click!

Christmas message Fans of the movie to everyone so please click!

Shin Ki person here video appearance

"Christmas message from Dong Bang Shin Ki"


Now, the paper said in an interview published is a good, but they spill out from the space of five words, as Chapter KOBORE話chasing follow-up on this blog. Friday is expected around! I also enjoy.

Also last week, has Toshihiko Takamizawa from the start, "Prince" series of articles in your paper popstyle "Takamiy Style" (below 1 / 14 post) interlocking web of planning, "the prince's private TAKAMI" Tomorrow is the second time 18, 2005! In addition to read full story, please also check please! http://otona.yomiuri.co.jp/people/takamizawa/

Thank you in the paper is irrelevant to me, (middle) at his home in the minutest out to the pet. "Gecko performing a" brave figure, published in the movies ... those who love animals, please, please try to check. In the winter, and art is very rare because KURENAKU!

"Kurukuru gecko" http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=D_GRRrGHVic

Thoughts, questions popstyle@yomiuri.com

.Gecko lol hahahhaa xD
so funny and weird @_@


Japannase =)
東方神起見開き! 本人動画もあります!2008年12月17日
(央)です。本日12/17、読売新聞水曜夕刊popstyleは真ん中の2ページ、どど~んと! 紅白初出場も決め、ノリにノッている、韓国発の5人組ダンスコーラスグループ「東方神起」が登場です!






動画のクリスマスメッセージからも5人の誠実さと仲の良さが伝わってきますね! 紙面でも、これまでの歩みや普段の過ごし方、尊敬するアーティストについてなど、5人の言葉をたっぷり掲載していますのでお楽しみに! 特に、最年少チャンミンくんの初々しさは本当に萌え★ですぞ!(笑)





また、先週よりスタートしました高見沢俊彦“王子”さまのpopstyle紙面連載「Takamiy Style」(次は1/14掲載)の連動web企画、「タカミー王子の秘密」第2回があす18日更新! ほかでは読めないお話満載、こちらもぜひチェックしてください!http://otona.yomiuri.co.jp/people/takamizawa/



感想、質問は popstyle@yomiuri.com


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